Friday, December 16, 2011

Xmas crafting

Everyone in Blogland is blogging Xmas craft so here is Aunty jumping on the band wagon. My house is starting to look very Christmassy thanks to some clever handmade felt Xmas tree decor posted to me from Oz with love from my mate over at Happygas blog and my own additions of Xmas bunting.

Spotlight have some very cool calico with Scandinavian prints on them. I managed to nab the green reindeer print for a mere $3m. I have used bias binding in the past to make bunting but once I calculated i needed about 18m of binding to dress up 6 windows at $2 per metre plus the cost of my fabric I was blowing my Xmas Scrooge miser budget big time! So I bought 3m of the $3 green fabric, cut 3m by 10cm strips and whipped up my own bias binding.

I also made what I call "cheats" bunting flags which are one sided cut with pinking shears but were quick & easy. Double sided bunting would look great from both sides above windows but time & money wouldn't allow. I think it all looks super cute and more homely than tinsel. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

10 days to Christmas...........

............and my true love gave to me. A visit to Playcentre from Santa Claus.

Who is that man in the red suit with gumboots on?

Hmmm - maybe if I hide behind the hill Santa will just pass on by with no fuss.
Oh Santa how did ya know I love Thomas! You're not so bad after all.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Local craft

I went to the KINA Design store Xmas shopping night, not just for the free champagne but to check out some local craft & art & do some Xmas browsing. Craft stores are few & far between in New Plymouth but KINA & MANU Design stores are both of a high quality and KINA especially supports local artists.

I did spot my sister in laws latest creations in the window display. She operates Maddy's Store via Facebook and specialises in vintage 50s blanket craft making cushions, hot water bottle covers, wheat bags and I spotted some of her Xmas decorations on the KINA Xmas tree. after a couple of glasses of bubbly I bought my sister a Paua shell brooch which KINA even posted to the UK for me and a red Xmas tree stocking with a Tui bird screen print. And here it is on my tree!